…that the famous Cathedral St. Stephen in Vienna was built as a daughter church of the diocese Passau?

Under the rule of Bishop Pilgrim (971-999) and his successors the diocese of Passau extended beyond the Austrian boundaries. The bishops of Passau held ownership rights in all bigger villages, such as in Engelhartszell, Eferding, Sankt Florian, Enns, Kremsmünster, Ardagger, Seitenstetten, Sankt Pölten and Fischamend, east of Wien. Under the influence of Passau Krems developed to one of the greatest trading center in the Danube region.  Even Linz depended on Passau for some considerable time. During the 10th to the 12th century numerous daughter churches were built along the banks of the Danube. The most famous should become the St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna in 1147. Its name still reminds of the patronage of the St Stephen’s Cathedral in Passau.


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